Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Cyber Bullying

Most parents are very unaware of the latest bully issue confronting their children. This is 'cyber' bullying. Teenagers and children with cellphones, and computers who are being harassed by bullies via email, text messages and chat rooms. Here is a link to a website with a ton of information on how to go about solving this problem. Most parents are totally unaware that this is happening to their children. Girls are the most common victim here.

1 comment:

Kid Friendly New York said...

If you are lookign for a good software solution to help you monitor what your kids are doing online - which will help combat cyberbullying - check out PC Pandora monitoring software ( The sad part about cyberbullying is that it is preventable, mostly, but everyone has to buy in - and sadly most parents don't care until their child is a victim. That needs to stop. Parents of bullies have to get involved.