Friday, August 15, 2008

Back to School

With the return of school in the next few weeks comes the return of the bully problem for many, many children. I know of one family were the youngest is already stressed out and crying because school is only 3 weeks away. This is a very sad situation.

As parents your job can be very difficult having to deal with this. The schools are powerless to help you, even though they will say they are doing everything they can do. Your child's self esteem will suffer as the time draws near for school and even more once school starts.

So, what can you do to help your child through this problem. You must teach your child to stand up to this fear! Remember, bullies feed off the fear of the children or adults they are tormenting. Also, the problem is never as bad as the child thinks. He or she has replayed this possible outcomes in their mind so many times, that it can paralyze them.

My advice, if you have not already done so, check out the martial arts schools in your area. If possible enroll your child in one that is run by FULL TIME career martial artists. Since these men and women are professionals who teach for a living you know you will be getting the best possible instruction.

Whatever you do, don't cheap out! Community Center Martial Arts is a great activity. It won't help with your bully issues. It won't help build self esteem. Your child needs and deserves the best you can find.